Leopard camera crashes Jetson nano

I have a jetbot kit with the Leopard camera. As soon as I instantiate the Camera instance, the Jetson nano freezes and must have power removed to reboot it. If the camera is unplugged, it correctly detects this and issues an error. Has anyone else had this problem?

I will note the image provided by sparkfun for the jetbot is corrupted, both the version sent to me on the SD card and the image I downloaded off this site. So, I’ve booted from the default nvidia image and added the modifications and network drivers.

It might be an issue with the power supply (try using ‘max power’ mode, and using a high-quality supply/adapter, if available) - also try running this command from terminal:

gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor-id=0 ! ‘video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)3264, height=(int)2464, framerate=21/1’ ! nvvidconv flip-method=0 ! ‘video/x-raw, format=(string)I420’ ! xvimagesink -e

and see what happens - finally, you might try launching from terminal with logging enabled, then reporting whatever is/are causing the crash on the Nvidia forum for camera issues https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/tag/camera

Hope this helps!

That command brings up an image! So the problem is not with the camera.

I tried with both the barrel connector and the USB connector, but both times it was connected to the included battery pack. I did see a throttle warning for low voltage, so I’m going to look a better power supply. Still, it has this behavior in both MAXN and 5W mode, so I’m currently unconvinced we’ve found the true issue.

However, given this is a robot, it would need to be battery powered and mobile. What would you recommend, assuming that turns out to be the issue?

I finally received my 5V, 4A power supply. It still crashes nearly instantly as soon as the Camera instance is started in Jupyter. It leaves it unable to respond to input, though I note the HDMI display freezes and does not go black. What’s the next step for this?