Lily Pad Twinkle Pin 2 Always On?

I’ve just hooked up LED’s to pins 0,1,2,3 of the Twinkle and I am noticing the LED on pin 2 stays lit all the time? Is this normal or is it supposed to blink? The LED’s on pins 0,1 and 3 all randomly blink as expected. Is there a description somewhere of how each pin should behave? I also have a Tiny board and there is a description on the product page of what each pin does, but I can’t find a similar description for the Twinkle. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

Confirm that there is no point in the circuit where a positive trace and a negative trace are in contact, either where you’ve sewn the traces, or where a loose thread has fallen - and that the wiring matches the guide here

Otherwise it may be a defective Twinkle or LED, swap positions to determine…then contact vendor after ( if bought from us)