I have been looking around for a good diagram to use for building a LiPo Monitoring and Charging system. One of the issues I keep running into is the fact that I find one or the other, but haven’t found both together. I know Sparkfun has a LiPo monitor and a couple LiPo charging systems (I have the SparkFun USB LiPoly Charger - Single Cell, PRT-12711 since I want it to charge when external power is provided and use the battery when it is not). I have seen some older posts (https://forum.sparkfun.com/viewtopic.ph … 09&p=51115) that use DS2764 for monitoring and says a MAX1555 can be added for charging, but there aren’t many details about the best way to hook the two systems up and not damage anything.
The LiPo battery is from Sparkfun 2000mAh (PRT-08483). Currently I have one, but my Arduino Pro is 5V, so I thought about using two in series and stepping the voltage down (I am also using the cellular shield, CEL-13120, which seems to be somewhat power hungry). I know LiPo batteries in series can provide other problems (looked at using an airsoft LiPo that is at 11.1v and 1100mAh 3 Cell, which is possible as well, but I would need a monitoring, charging, and protection circuit, and to top it off I do not have any specs for the battery), so I might looked at individual batteries (one for Arduino Pro and one for the Cellular Shield).
Any thoughts on designs that would provide the items I am looking for?