lisy300al new gyro sensor

Hi, I suggest sparkfun sell breakout boards for the new gyro sensor. It is on digikey, and is much cheaper than other gyros. … 97-8230-ND

I believe the performance is similar to the IDG300 except it is just the yaw axis. This part combined with an IDG300 would give 3-axis gyros without any riser boards.

Add to this … cts_id=741

and HMC1052L and HMC1051Z then we have full IMU and tilt compensated compass.

And maybe an 16 bit / 24 bit ADC with SPI interface ?


I agree that a 6DOF IMU with a 3 axis magnetometer, in a barebones configuration similar to the 5DOF would be a nice addition to the Sparkfun line.

But even a 16-bit ADC is way overkill, 11 bits of useful data is the best resolution you will get out of these inertial sensors.

Hi, I suggest sparkfun sell breakout boards for the new gyro sensor. It is on digikey, and is much cheaper than other gyros. … 97-8230-ND

I believe the performance is similar to the IDG300 except it is just the yaw axis. This part combined with an IDG300 would give 3-axis gyros without any riser boards.

LISY is not cheaper per axis than IDG300: around 20USD/axis. It is 50% more sensitive and its Z axis is orthogonal to IDG300.


Hi, I suggest sparkfun sell breakout boards for the new gyro sensor. It is on digikey, and is much cheaper than other gyros. … 97-8230-ND

I believe the performance is similar to the IDG300 except it is just the yaw axis. This part combined with an IDG300 would give 3-axis gyros without any riser boards.

LISY is not cheaper per axis than IDG300: around 20USD/axis. It is 50% more sensitive and its Z axis is orthogonal to IDG300.
It is $8-$11 per axis. IDG300 is $20 per axis. Therefore much cheaper per axis, or is there something wrong with my maths... 11 > 20? :D

In Europe its prices are still not competitive to IDG-300 (per-axis).

Axis of Evil stands behind it, for sure.

I have impression LISY price dropped a few USD since my last poll.

Anyway, LISY is worth trying, but makin a 3D cube and 3PCB just to make an IMU devboard out of LISY alone is not easier than before.

BTW the least expensive I’ve found is 12USD at DigiKey. Where else to search for it?