Hi guys, I’m making an automatic pet feeder that has a weight sensor. I’ve had to order my parts twice. I originally just bought the load sensor then found out I had to buy a module also, (HX711 module to be precise.) I’ve been looking at how to make scales and see that most projects have a load cell and not a load sensor, which is what I think I have. Could I still make my prject work or will I have to order a load cell, which looks like a rectangle metal bar.
Hi school_kid.
What sensor do you have now? I didn’t see a picture attached to your post. We carry a three wire load sensor and if you have that, you’d need a total of 2 or 4* of them to connect them to the HX711.
* It’s possible to do it with one three wire sensor, but is more difficult.
The square load cells we carry should work well for a project like this and would connect directly to the HX711 with no issues. I don’t know what parts you’re using, but you’d need at a minimum the following parts:
I’d suggest having a look at the [hookup guide for the HX711 as that will walk you through how to connect everything together and the guide also has some sample code to get you started.](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/load-cell-amplifier-hx711-breakout-hookup-guide)
I’ve got two load sensors with three wires, I ordered the other one just in case I broke one. So I should be fine?
Two 3 wire load sensors should work. If they are our sensors, this hookup diagram should help you connect them.