Hi Team-
We’re using the ATMEL-ICE programmer and trying to use Arduino 1.8.13 on Mac 10.15.5.
We’ve been trying to follow the instructions on this thread, https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/in … bootloader, to upload a boot loader on our microcontroller, but we’re running into errors:
Comm Serial Port is not showing up
I’m sure I will have other errors when I get this solved, but wondering if there are some protocols here.
There’s actually no COM port involved in burning a boot loader, you just need the programmer setup in whatever software you’re using. The programming is happening at a lower level, below where a COM port would come into play.
Use something like a “TinyISP” to program the Arduino, which connects to your computer using a USB-Port. I did a quick google and it seems that it is supported on a MAC.