logic analyzer TOL-18627 missing CC resistors, unusable via direct USB-C

Hi, I bought a TOL-18627 logic analyzer from DigiKey. It seems to be missing the required 5.1k (Rd) resistors on the USB-C CC pins.

It doesn’t work when plugged directly into a USB-C host port with a USB-C cable. An inline USB power meter doesn’t show any VBUS. Measuring resistances when hooked up it up to a partial USB-C breakout board shows only the breakout board’s own terminating resistance (5.1k) or the cable’s e-marker resistance (Ra, ~800 ohms), not 2.5k as expected for the breakout’s termination in parallel with a correct device CC termination.

The device is usable in conjunction with the provided USB-A to USB-C cable, if I plug it into an adapter or hub. I would expect that if it has a USB-C port on it, that it would be a conforming USB-C port that I can use by cabling it directly to a USB-C host port.

Please correct future revisions of the product, and update the description to warn about this compatibility issue.

Thanks for the heads-up; feel free to pass this along to the manufacturer https://sigrok.org/wiki/Main_Page

Thanks. Does Sigrok actually manufacture hardware? I thought they were only a software project. Most of the sigrok website is down at the moment, so I can’t look up anything useful there.

Thanks for the heads-up; feel free to pass this along to the manufacturer https://sigrok.org/wiki/Main_Page

The sigrok web page seems to be back up. They claim to not design or manufacture hardware, so I’m curious how they are manufacturing hardware for you?

Do you build/sell/design logic analyzers?

No. The sigrok project is a pure (open-source) software project. We’re not designing, building, or selling hardware. We only add software support for already existing hardware.