Logomatic V2 & RTC


Has anyone been able to implement the RTC function from the examples into the Logomatic V2 code? My code doesn’t seem to start the RTC for some reason. I’m trying to make the code name the file with the date and time instead of just a log number. Is there anyway to date and time stamp the file with the existing FAT library?



Hi, did you ever find out how to get this to work? I am interested in logging data with a time stamp and I am trying to edit the original code to do so. Also, I saw that you had a post on loading the new FW.SFE file. did you just drop that onto the the SDcard and then reboot? how did you load the new code? thanks

Unfortunately, I have not get the RTC working on the Logomatic V2. The code is available online though at the package tracker product. Hadn’t had a chance to tinker with it yet.

Yes, just drag and drop the FW.SFE file to the SD card and disconnect properly from the USB port of your computer and then turn power off. You need to disconnect the USB cable for your new code to run so you need an external power source.

Good luck,


To use the RTC on the Logomatic V2 you have to have a battery continuously plugged in to the power connector, and you have to lift pin 49 on the LPC2148 and wire it to the + side of the power connector.

To turn on the RTC:

CCR = 0x00000011; // Bit 0, (Name: CLKEN) enables clock counters

// Bit 4, (Name: CLKSRC) when ‘1’ it uses the separate 32kHz oscillator instead of counting down the processor clock

You have to disable CLKEN while setting the RTC, and then you can read date and time by reading YEAR, MONTH, DOM, HOUR, MIN, and SEC.

Hello, recently I acquired the logomatic v2 and it wanted to know if it is necessary slightly more to be able to modify the firmware, I read in some forum that apart from the logomatic was necessary to acquire also another device, it is certain this?, from already thank you very much