Looking for a PickBuck alternative that can operate with 5v or less

I’m currently using a PickBuck in this exact set up:

This is more or less what I’m trying to setup (minus the external power supply)

https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_t … k_1led.png

Instead of an external power supply, I’d like to find a way to power the LED from just the USB. It could be from the UNO itself or from another USB source–if its too risky to pull directly off the UNO. I realize it may not have as much power as something like a battery or external power supply, but I’m okay with less intensity from the LED.

I tried driving just one channel of the LED with the PicoBuck from the UNO’s 5v output, but it was not enough to activate the LED. The only way it worked was with a higher voltage such as a 9v battery. I’m looking for any solution that works well with just USB power.


Picobuck needs 6V-36V to work. This is why at 5V you didn’t see it working. You cannot use any USB power supply to make it working. Because, from an USB power source you can get 5V,not higher. Now there are a few options for you.

1)Use an external power supply like your given picture.

2)Use a 12V adapter to power up the Arduino. Then short the Vin and GND pins of arduino and picobuck.

  1. You can also use a suitable lithium ion battery pack (suppose 7.4 V by using two 3.7V batteries in series) instead of the power adapter.

I haven’t used these before but might do the job? It looks like they can supply up to 12 watts.


I haven’t used these before but might do the job? It looks like they can supply up to 12 watts.


What is your plan? Do you want to omit picobuck totally and power up your LED with a Ripcord ? Or you want to power up picobuck with Ripcord?

I haven’t used these before but might do the job? It looks like they can supply up to 12 watts.


That should work as an external power source for the picobuck.

Thanks, I was really looking to replace the picobuck with a similar module that could operate with 5v or less, but for now I’m just using a 9v Battery to make the prototype work. I’m looking to take this project to production so I’ll see about making some changes so it can work from a USB power source