I’ve got a olimex board with lpc2378 on it with 2 serial ports. I’d like some help or guidance in getting it setup so I can send and receive data.
I’m using eclipse+openocd so if anyone can lend a hand it be appreciated.
I’ve got a olimex board with lpc2378 on it with 2 serial ports. I’d like some help or guidance in getting it setup so I can send and receive data.
I’m using eclipse+openocd so if anyone can lend a hand it be appreciated.
If you don't have it, get the [[User Manual](http://www.nxp.com/acrobat/usermanuals/UM10211_1.pdf)echel0n:
I’ve got a olimex board with lpc2378 on it with 2 serial ports. I’d like some help or guidance in getting it setup so I can send and receive data.I’m using eclipse+openocd so if anyone can lend a hand it be appreciated.
There’s some very simple beginner RS232 code on my site for LPC2148 that maybe could possibly be adapted/modified to suit the 2378. I don’t know for sure though, as I don’t have a 2378.](http://www.nxp.com/acrobat/usermanuals/UM10211_1.pdf)
See [www.uTasker.com
The project is completely free for hobby use and includes everything you need (also GCC build) for serial ports, up to Ethernet and TCP/IP stack. It also includes a simulator which allows the LPC2378 to be simulated on the PC. It maps the UARTs to serial ports and you can study its operation by setting breakpoints in the UART interrupt routines and watching the register use. The same is true for Ethernet (the simulator uses the PCs NIC to communicate with the network in real-time).
Will uTasker allow me to design a web control panel that I can use for setting up config files that would control other aspects of my software on the chip or would it be a better idea for me to create a vb.net app that would interface with the chip itself for updating of settings for end-users ?
The trend is to web interfaces from a standard browser and personally I think there are various advantages in this. It saves having the functionality split between the embedded SW and a second PC software, which makes adding new features easier and more flexible. Rather than having to release new firmware and install a new PC application, the firmware update (possibly with new web pages) does it all. The web interface can be adjusted by modifying HTML rather than having to install new SW (from simple things like translating the user interface to different languages, to more complicated things too).
The uTasker web interface has been designed for easy, efficient but powerful interaction between embedded application and HTML so is certainly a good solution. See an on-line example running (presently) on a Luminary Cortex-M3 part - [http://demo.utasker.com
Well I must say that uTasker seems to have everything I want and more so I belieave I’m gonna check it out.
I take it each feature is modulized and can be added/expanded onto ?
Yes, it is very configurable (in config.h for main stuff and in app_hw_lpc23xx.h for target related details).
For example, if you remove the define ETH_INTERFACE all code to do with Ethernet (driver, initialisation, protocols like UDP, ARP, TCP and all higher level stuff - web server, FTP, TELNET etc.) will be stripped out.
If you leave it but remove the define USE_TCP the Ethernet interface will operate, along with ARP, ICMP, UDP etc. but TCP will be removed and any higher level protocols using TCP (like HTTP, SMTP, FTP, TELNET etc.).
Leaving TCP enabled you can individually define which higher level protocols are used (like HTTP, FTP) and which are not (like TELNET, POP3 etc.).
Each protocol (TCP and higher level ones like HTTP) then have their own configurations allowing certain features (like POST support or compatibility with Chrome web server) to be used or not - others can optimize for compromises between performance and memory requirements, etc.
So it is highly configurable and well tested in just about every possible combination.