LPC2129 proto with olimex wiggler

Newb - I can’t seem to get my wiggler to talk to my olimex proto board. I’ve tried it on 2 laptops, 800 mhz and 2.8 ghz machines, various parallel port speed settings. I’m using OCD Commander and always get an Internal Error 43 message, then “Error Response from INITIALIZE: 0x03 initialize_target : cable disconnected (10 : 03)” I’m using OCD Commander 2.4.1 that comes with IAR jumpstart compiler.

I’ve followed posts warning about system speed, about making sure pins 8 and 15 are shorted on the wiggler, about making sure the debug jumper is installed, about making sure the parallel port is not set to ECP - all verified yet nothing seems to work. Shouldn’t I at least be able to start OCD Commander with no warning messages and use it to reset the board even if the default flash-based program it was shipped with is still on it? The default program appears to work just fine when the JTAG cable is disconnected.

Everything I’ve read says Rowley Crossworks is bulletproof with wiggler compatibles, so I downloaded a trial copy. It won’t connect to the target - I get the message “Cannot identify target. Check JTAG Connections and that the target is powered” Same message as when there’s nothing connected to the parallel port.

Is it more likely that my olimex-jtag is DOA or it’s the jtag port on the 2129 board? If the olimex-jtag adapter is fried, can it endanger the board - I have a 2nd board I can try, but don’t want to risk frying it.
