Newb - I can’t seem to get my wiggler to talk to my olimex proto board. I’ve tried it on 2 laptops, 800 mhz and 2.8 ghz machines, various parallel port speed settings. I’m using OCD Commander and always get an Internal Error 43 message, then “Error Response from INITIALIZE: 0x03 initialize_target : cable disconnected (10 : 03)” I’m using OCD Commander 2.4.1 that comes with IAR jumpstart compiler.
I’ve followed posts warning about system speed, about making sure pins 8 and 15 are shorted on the wiggler, about making sure the debug jumper is installed, about making sure the parallel port is not set to ECP - all verified yet nothing seems to work. Shouldn’t I at least be able to start OCD Commander with no warning messages and use it to reset the board even if the default flash-based program it was shipped with is still on it? The default program appears to work just fine when the JTAG cable is disconnected.