LTC4150 Brownout


I’m having trouble with my brand new LTC4150 (circuit diagram below).


-Arduino is a MKR1000, VCC = 3.3V

-LTC4150 solder jumpers SJ2 and SJ3 are both closed for a 3.3V system

-System works fine when VIO and GND (as well as SHDN, CLR, POL and INT) are disconnected


When I connect VIO/GND of the LTC to VCC/GND of the Arduino, the LED on the Arduino slowly winks out over about 2 seconds and everything shuts off. I’m sure my solder job is legit, no touching pins or anything. I’m really at a loss! Please help!

Update: I think my LTC4150 is defective…

With zero interface pins connected: Battery → LTC (power) → Arduino: works as expected.

With ONLY GND connected: Battery → LTC (power + GND pin) → Arduino: Arduino does not power up. If already running, arduino shuts down as soon as GND pin connects.


Update: In the same configuration above (zero interface pins, battery > LTC > Arduino) I’m showing V+ on the GND header pin. Seriously confused…