After soldering together the lumenati parts, I used the s/w provided in the Hookup guide - and got unexpected results. All LEDs flashed, but not in the pattern shown in the guide’s example. Trying to reduce the activity, I modified the s/w as follows below and noted that some LEDs stayed on when not supposed to, while others never, or rarely, went on.
In general, I am looking for guidance on how best to troubleshoot this problem. My goal is to enable the following s/w to work correctly, so I can use the lumenati as a flash for my RPi camera.
Any suggestions you can provide would be of value. I have access to a multi-meter and [very old] o-scope. My h/w is currently soldered together (I suppose that was a mistake, given my predicament). I can un-solder if needed; I also have a breadboard.
Hardware Details:
I have connected 4 lumenati 90R segments into a ring, cutting the co/ci do/di traces as required between the first and last segments (and verified using ohm meter). I followed the wiring diagram as presented in the Lumenati Hookup guide for RPi, with two exceptions -
I used the BOB-12009 (Logic Level Converter - Bi-Directional) instead of the BOB-15439 (Level Translator Breakout - PCA9306) - my understanding was that these were equivalent for this application.
I powered my lumenati ring directly from my RPi Zw’s 2.5A power supply, as it should be able to provide more than enough current for both Zw and LEDs - using one of the 5V GPIO pins.
Code Used: (modified from Hookup guide):
Moderator edit to add code formatting.
#Set up the SPI port on the Pi
import spidev
spi = spidev.SpiDev(),0)
#Create LED array by sending this function num_LEDs
def set_LED_quantity(num_LEDs):
global NUM_LEDs
NUM_LEDs = num_LEDs
global LED_array
LED_array = [[0,0,0,0]] * NUM_LEDs
#Puts LED(num) parameters into LED_array
#Red, Green and Blue (r,g,b) values must be between
#0-255. Brightness must be between 0 and 31.
def set_LED(num, r, g, b, brightness):
if (brightness > 31) | (brightness < 0):
brightness = 15
if (r > 255) | (r < 0):
r = 100
if (g > 255) | (g < 0):
g = 100
if (b > 255) | (b < 0):
b = 100
if (num < NUM_LEDs):
print "num, r, g, b:", num, r, g, b
LED_array[num] = [r, g, b, brightness | 0xE0]
#These 4 bytes have to be written at the start and
#end of each data frame when writing to the LEDs
def _start_end_frame():
for x in range (4):
#Write data to the LEDs
def WriteLEDs():
for LED in LED_array:
r, g, b, brightness = LED
#set LED array to 'off'
# if 'write' is true, write values to LEDs
def OffLEDs(write):
for LED in range (NUM_LEDs):
set_LED(LED, 0, 0, 0, 0)
if (write):
WriteLEDs() (modified from Hookup guide):
#This is demonstration code for the Lumenati line of APA102c boards,
#specifically using (4) 90L boards surrounding one 8-pack board.
import time
from SFE_Lumenati import set_LED_quantity, WriteLEDs, set_LED, OffLEDs
#Set up array, 12 LEDs for a 90L x 4 config
#Delay duration
#wait = 0.15
wait = 0.5
longWait = 1
#Global brightness
brightness = 5 #range is 0-31
spacing = {
2: [0, 6],
3: [0, 4, 8],
4: [0, 3, 6, 9],
6: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10],
8: [0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10]
#while True:
for x in (2, 3, 4, 6, 8):
print "spacing:", x
for y in spacing[x]:
print "y:", y
# one LED: white
raw_input("Press Enter to continue ...")
#for i in range (5):
# OffLEDs(1)
# time.sleep(wait)
except KeyboardInterrupt: