MAX30101 & MAX32664 (Qwiic) to Raspberry Pi4 interface

Hello, I am trying to read heart rate from this module with a Raspberry pi. Is the python code provided here: … n-examples relevant for MAX30101 & MAX32664 (Qwiic) module? I apologize If I am posting in the wrong place. Please guide me to the best place to post this question since I need help with this urgently.

Hello, I am trying to read heart rate from “SparkFun Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor - MAX30101 & MAX32664 (Qwiic) module” with a Raspberry pi.

Is the python code provided here: … n-examples relevant for MAX30101 & MAX32664 (Qwiic) module?

I have tried different versions of code to extract data. All I have achieved so far is verify the I2c address using “i2cdetect -y 1”

(printed as 55). I am using Qwiic pHAT to hook up the module to Raspberry pi. I have the MFIO and RSTN pins connected to D21 and D16.

Any input is appreciated (I need help with this urgently). Thank you.

No, unfortunately, that library is only for the MAX30101. The Arduino libraries for the Pulse Oximeter itself has the necessary code to interact with both the MAX30101 and MAX32664.


No, unfortunately, that library is only for the MAX30101. The Arduino libraries for the Pulse Oximeter itself has the necessary code to interact with both the MAX30101 and MAX32664.

Thank you for your response. Just to make sure, this module can be interfaced with a Raspberry pi right?

Could you please help me the basic steps to write a python code that could run on a Raspberry Pi?

I have tried different versions of code to extract data. All I have achieved so far is verify the I2c address using “i2cdetect -y 1”

(printed as 55). I am using Qwiic pHAT to hook up the module to Raspberry pi. I have the MFIO and RSTN pins connected to D21 and D16.

Any input is appreciated (I need help with this urgently). Thank you.

Thank you for your response. Just to make sure, this module can be interfaced with a Raspberry pi right?

Yes, in theory

Could you please help me the basic steps to write a python code that could run on a Raspberry Pi?

We are unable to support or provide custom code. However, you can try to use our Arduino source files as a guide for writing the code necessary for the Raspberry Pi.

Despite both boards using the same sensor, the MAX30101 & MAX32664 has an on board processor and that’s what your code needs to talk too. Unfortunately the Python code for just the MAX30101 will not work with the MAX30101 & MAX32664 combo board.

You might try part number [SEN-16474, that’s what the code you’re trying to use is written for.](

Thanks for your inputs TS-Chris and TS-Brandon. I will go ahead and get the board with just the sensor (MAX30101). Thank you.