ME6 Nano Simultaneous RFID reader. How to increase power?

Dear All,

please advice how to increase power of the ME6 Nano Simultaneous RFID reader up to 30dbm.

please advice if any Hi-frequency amplifiers can be used.

Thanks in advance,

The Nano M6E is capable of outputting up to 27dBm, unfortunately we do not have an amplifier you can connect to make it go any higher.

Any signal can be amplified.

We need to know which amplifier in the industry can work for it.

this is not as easy as you might think as it is not a one-way radio-transmitter signal: … -amplifier

I don’t know of any external device that can handle increase sending and receiving but have been reading that the M6E (the bigger brother of the NanoM6E) can go up to 30dBm. … id-series/.

Maybe instead of increasing the power on a single antenna, it is better to use multiple antennas. The NanoM6e only supports one antenna the bigger brother supports 4. But with some programming work, you could add an RF multiplexer and switch between antennas.