Micro OLED not appearing on i2c bus

Hi, folks. A while back I got one of the little Micro OLED breakouts (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/22495) as part of a kit. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get to working with it for an extended time, but I finally had a chance this weekend. Ran into a few problems with the kit as a whole, one of which is that the OLED doesn’t appear on the bus at all. Another board chained through it is behaving fine but the Python qwiic utility for scanning the bus doesn’t see the OLED, fresh out of its bag. I did try disconnecting that second board just in case there was interference but it didn’t change anything. I’m sure I’ve had it too long for any kind of RMA but I was wondering before ordering a replacement if anyone had any ideas that might bring it to life.

I think it’s better to proceed for a replacement if the product is still within the warranty period.

It was out of warranty before I opened it, unfortunately, and shipping is going to essentially double the cost of replacing it so I figured it was worth asking first. I’m actually really disappointed in the overall quality of the kit that it was part of, to the point where anything I’m replacing I’m probably more comfortable sourcing elsewhere.