Hi I have a MicroMod SAMD51 DEV-16791 board and am trying to use it with CircuitPython 7.3.1. I can start the board into bootloader mode and then copy the copy the “adafruit-circuitpython-sparkfun_samd51_micromod-en_GB-7.3.1.uf2” file over. it restarts immediately but the circuit python drive does not appear (Windows 10 PC).
I’ve checked the the terminal and received the following message
“Auto-reload is off.
Running in safe mode! Not running saved code.
You are in safe mode because:
CIRCUITPY drive could not be found or created.”
After a lot of searching on Spark fun’s website I can see that there was an issue with the hardware prior to V1.3. For V1.3 the relevant changes to the SPI port definition have been incorporated into the new .uf2 release.
So my question is, the board supplied is it V1.3 or earlier? and is it possible to tell the difference as there doesn’t seem to be any markings.