MicroMod SAMD51 Dead

Hello, I recently purchased the SAMD51 MicroMod Processor Board. It worked for a few days but randomly became unresponsive. I have tried to flash the bootloader found in the GitHub repository using the DAP library from Adafruit with the flash_from_SD sketch, which has been successful in the past (on a new SAMD21 chip). The bin file was still on the SD card even though the IDE said everything was good(usually on success the file disappears).

Am I doing something wrong or is this just proof that the MicroMod board is totally unsalvageable?

The bootloader file used from GitHub: bootloader-sparkfun-samd51-micromod-v3.4.0-65-gdf89a1f-dirty.bin

I feel I should mention that I’m writing this on a mobile device and don’t remember every single detail.

Did it show up as a USB device at all?

I had a SAMD51 processor board fail and it didn’t even appear as a device, no matter which button combinations I tried.


Sorry, that was a detail I meant to include. I also purchased the ATP main board. This is the first I’ve used the UF2 bootloader and just uploaded a sketch the old fashioned way through the Arduino IDE. Later I read about double pressing the reset enabling the board to be accessible like a thumb drive. Before I could upload a sketch using the drag and drop method, it stopped working. So long story short, no, it does not appear when I plug it into a PC.

Sorry to hear that. I didn’t make any progress with trying to revive mine. I had bought mine from DigiKey about two years before using it, and at least it worked for a few months before failing.

Are the LEDs lighting up on the processor or the ATP? Also see here https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/mi … r–drivers

If it keeps giving issues: Was it purchased from us? If so head over to www.sparkfun.com/returns (contact vendor if purchased elsewhere) and we’ll get ya squared away

The stat LED does not illuminate on the processor board. The LEDs on the ATP do illuminate. Both products were purchased through Amazon. I’m hoping someone has a guide that explains how to go from a bare chip, installing the bootloader and any updates, through flashing a sketch.