Micromod STM32 & STM32CubeMX and/or Zephyr ...

Are there any examples in using the MicroMod STM32 and STM32CubeMX and/or Zephyr? I prefer not to use Arduino and documentation seems pretty scarce for this MicroMod processor and anything else but Arduino.

Not from us…just the Arduino stuff https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/mi … rogramming

Other IDEs are compatible, but we only provide the Arduino examples - you might be able to find some individual projects online, though

There are quite a few resources for STM32 online that use other IDEs. Searching for “STM32 bare metal” or something similar will usually yield some starting points.

One site that I found useful was this one:

https://vivonomicon.com/category/stm32_ … _examples/

I think I also looked at these examples to get ideas:


I started to write my own tests and examples to help with my understanding, though my choice of toolchain is quite obscure:


Hope this helps!