Micromod STM32

I cannot find a MicroMod STM32 library in the Arduino library manager. Should I be using some other library?


on https://www.sparkfun.com/products/21326 clock on “documents”. there is a lot of good information. Click on “hookup guide”. it will show what to do.

I have now downloaded the library and configured Arduino to use the MicroMod stm32 and this works satisfactorily.

However, I have for some time been using Visual Studio and Platformio with other processors which I consider a much better IDE than Arduino, but I cannot find a MicroMod STM32 library for Platformio.

Does such a product exist?

Hi RonK,

The MicroMod STM32F4 was recently added to the STM32 arduino core with support for PlatformIO. Enjoy!