MicroMod Weather Carrier board as 'slave'

Working on a project with CicruitPython, however the MicroMod ESP32 processor is not supported by CircuitPython (no integrated USB).

Is it possible to remove the CPU from the Weather Station carrier and connect the Qwicc connector to another board (I have one that supports Qwicc) to allow me to access the Weather Carrier board’s onboard I2C sensors?



Looking at https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/6/c/2/e … ematic.pdf the i2c sensors (UV, temp, pressure, and humidity) already connect to the qwiic connector on the board (J3 and J14). Just leave the micromodule out and you can use a QWIIC cable to connect to another controller board. If you need the micromodule there, just program the I2C pins as inputs or as open drain driven high so it will leave the bus alone.


Thank you for the prompt response. Will set this up and give it a try.

Just wanted ensure that ‘reversing the normal path’ would not cause any issues.