Hi there,
Both the nRF2401 and nRF2401a ICs offer 2 separate data channels. On your older RF-24G module you can access both channels, but on the newer MiRF module the second channel appears to be missing. Is this correct? Am I able to perhaps utilise it using thin hookup wire?
Can you give me a little more info on the benefits of this newer version? I actually bought several of the older module and designed a PCB around them, but I would be willing to ‘upgrade’ if the newer module offered significant improvements.
Thanks for your help! 
Matt P
The MiRF has gone to a single channel, it’s true. The reasoning was that very few people will ever use the second channel, and simplification was seen as a benefit. We could be wrong, though… You might be able to get to the other channel with some really fine-gauge wire, but I wouldn’t personally. Too much of a pain.
So what are the benefits of the newer module, aside from the easier to use header?
Size, mostly. And hopefully simplicity. Wait til you see the next generation- it uses a chip antenna instead of a microstrip and it’s WAY tiny!
And and and…
uMiRF (Micro-mirf) has the second channel fully brought out! The uMiRF will have the .1" header footprint for the basic, single channel access but will have three pins off in the corner for access to the other channel.
We will also have addtional functionality. The original RF-24G unit simply tied the PWR_UP pin to VDD. This pin is essential for low power designs. We successfully controlled it on the WiTilt board to get our system below a 1.2mA avg current with a 10Hz dual axis tilt reading.
The new uMiRF ties the PWR_UP pin to VDD via a 100k resistor. It is also accessable via a throughhole pin - though not inline with the normal .1" minimal header.
Finally - we are hoping to test the uMiRF with a SMD footprint. That is, the uMiRF module should be able to be soldered directly to a PCB rather than using a bulk .1" header.
All of this is merely preview until we have the units built, in hand, tested, and ready to go. Pictures are definitely worth a thousand words. The Chinese labor day is delaying all PCBs for 6 days. We should have all parts in 10-14 days. We’ll let you know
The front page is always where the latest parts are announced.
Which reminds me - I think we have 3 new items for today… Jeesh.