Missing header file for TMS470

Hello, this is my first post. I ordered a TMS470 board

http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/produc … cts_id=546

My problem is, the included sample code is missing a header file, specifically iotms470r1a256.h

Does anyone know where/how I obtain this file?



AH -

The file you are looking for is part of the IAR ARM compiler. You can get the demo from the IAR site which has a 32k code limit compiler and tools.

Are you using GCC and did you get it working?



Sorry for kick this old topic.

But it is also possible to use Keil uVision instead of the IAR ARM compiler?

So yes, are there any demo application (including the right headers) available somewhere?


You can find this file at this URL.

The trick I haven’t quite mastered is where to insert this file so that the IAR compiler can find it. Given time and effort…


I also have the “lite” version of CodeSourcery onboard which the IAR seems to be using for compilation. I don’t know why it grabbed this, and it might not be operative on your system but if you can locate it via the following fragment…


then perhaps you’ve found out how IAR compiles its examples?

When I inserted the appropriate TI header file into the \ARM\inc subdirectory of the CodeSourcery lite the example compiled cleanly.

Now to get it to recognize my JTAG wiggler and from there to make my Codesourcery IDE recognize the wiggler and from there to make it talk nice to my Olimex Cortex M3. Hey, if it was simple everyone would be going it…


Post Mortem: JTAG talked to TMS470. H-JTAG reported proper ID and reset board.

IAR compiled clean. Debugger would NOT load debug image. Debugger complained of “corrupt” image of TMS$$.out file.

IAR v 5.10 Kickstart

J-TAG emulator H-JTAG v 0.6.0

CodeSourcery lite GNU toolchain 4.2.1

Olimex JTAG wiggler clone

Target: Olimex TMS470-256-A

Taking a step back from STM32 to make it easier… so far so good. It’s a learning process.
