More colorful HD44780 character LCDs

Green backlight with black text is boring. Even reversed polarity would be nice. I’ve seen some that come in blue or red and such.

No links though… sorry. Just a suggestion.

I know Crystalfontz makes these… They’re not as cheap as the plain one Sparkfun sells though. They got a lot of stuff… I believe the b/w touch screen Sparkfun sells is from them, I think.

If SFE is interested, they can pick up any of the modules at from a distributor in the UK who has the best prices on their products. I’m currently using their 20x4 blue/white LCD and it looks fantastic…

EIO carries some colorful LEDs by Orient Display (they’re not all that cheap, though) - … cter%20Lcd.

We just posted the black background white font LCD: … cts_id=709

Also a new graphical.

We actually can’t buy from normal sites anymore :)! Our customer volume is becoming so large, we have to buy in higher and higher volume. This makes our roll-out time a bit longer, but we are enjoying to economy of scales.

Please feel free to keep posting good LCD vendor links. The more the merrier.
