Mosaic x5 update not working over wifi

It does work when you connect Mosaic to local network … just FYI


Thanks for reporting this! I think you are the first person to report this… I don’t remember anyone else reporting this previously. And I’ve never tried updating the X5 over WiFi, so I’ve never seen it either.

EDIT: I can’t fully replicate this. I see error messages in the ESP32 console during the SUF upload, but the firmware update is working for me…

I’m opening an issue for this on the GitHub repo. Let’s continue the discussion over there. Link below.

Best wishes,

it ran all the way through and rebooted, using web interface. Same thing with the RX app, both run through the motions, then complained about losing connection and after restart same version as before upgrade …

use ethernet cable and was like 5x faster and boom, new version after restart


OK, I can now see the same failure if I have both my computer and the X5 connected via WiFi. Yesterday, my computer was on Ethernet: ComputerEthernet-RouterEthernet-RouterWiFi-ESP32WiFi-ESP32Ethernet-X5Ethernet. Today: ComputerWiFi-RouterWiFi-ESP32WiFi-ESP32Ethernet-X5Ethernet.

When you use RX Tools to do the update, are you connected via WiFi? Or USB? I’m guessing WiFi?

I’m tracking this issue on GitHub. I’ll post updates there.

Best wishes,

No my computer is wired, the Mosaic is on the same network, but on the other side of a bridge in a different building. You might get someone to post instructions for updateing the ESP32 firmware on the mosaic, I can find those anywhere. I was going to just make a joke, but seriously that LoRa in the Torch is a huge mistake it ruins the product for rural applications with no cell reception.