RTK Mosaic-X5

We have a Sparkfun Mosaic-X5 GNSS-RTK receiver for testing the onocoy network and comparing different devices‘ performance.
It has been working well, with power from the mains (through USB power plug) and ethernet cable connection to a WiFi router.
When going through the settings in the GUI (on I noticed that in one of them the POE was activated. As PoE is not used I de-activated this setting. The result is that it seems that both ethernet ports are disconnected: I am not able to connect to the internet anymore, and hence not able to the GUI at So I don‘t have any way of undoing the PoE setting. Is there anyway to solve this problem?

Additional info: I am running a Windows 11 emulator through Parallels Desktop on my Mac. I connected the Mosaic X5 USB with my Mac USB. In Windows I have installed RxTool suite and it shows that the MosaicX5 is running, receiving satellite data. I have tried to get to the GUI through IP addres, but also this GUI is not accessable (through neither Mac nor Windows internet browser).

Thanks for your help

Hi @Huub ,

Is this the setting you changed?

That is not a PoE setting. That disables or enables Ethernet. If you set it to off, you can no longer connect over Ethernet.

Please try resetting the unit. The ESP32 firmware should send the “seth,on” (set Ethernet on) command to re-enable Ethernet.

If that does not work, you can send “seth,on” manually over any COM port. There should be a way to do it through RxTools. Or you can use a terminal emulator / serial console to connect to either of the two USB COM ports (115200 baud) and send seth,on manually.

I hope this helps,

Also, I do not know if Ethernet-over-USB ( will work correctly on Parallels. There may be a driver or permissions issue preventing it from working. Please try a Windows PC, if you have one available.

Hi Paul

That was also my conclusion: I have tried everything with Parallels, but nothing.
Do people still use Windows-based computers nowadays….

Hi Paul

this is indeed the setting I changed.

Can you recommend an app or method for the Mac how I can send a command to the serial port? My experience with serial ports on the Mac is almost nil (if I remember well, my last experience with serial ports was with Windows, about 25 yrs ago…).

I will also check RxTools again for sending a command.


Hi Huub,

Real engineers still use Windows computers! :laughing:

minicom should work, but you would need to configure the port and baud rate through the menu.

With RxTools, it may be as simple as opening Tools \ Expert Console, typing “seth,on” in the text box and hitting return?

Hope this helps,

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Hi Paul

No further comments about Windows……

I found the solution in RxTools. See attached. Thanks to your hint!
The setting for “Ethernet Interface Mode” was disabled.

The standard GUI is working again.

Thank you very much for your help.
At least I learned a lot about the RxTool suite.



Hi Huub,

Thank you for the update. Glad you got it working again.

Very best wishes,