Hello, I am kinda new to all this.

I have 3 Sparkfun MP3 Trigger boards.

They all work exept one will not work with the tiggering pins but works with the Nav switch.

I have a few SD cards, some work in one sound board #1 but not in Board #2, a different sd will work in Board #2 but not #1 or #3, all tracke=s are named “TRACK001”

Any ideas?

Are you swapping with the units powered off? Also be sure the SD cards are FAT16 … e-overview

Finally - try renaming the tracks to follow our format to rule that out too … ay-track-1

Ok so I formated the card with Comand Prompt to be sure it was Fat 16.

I have a 2GB card that was in the MP3 Trigger (this is not w Qwiic, it is the older ones).

This SD plays fine, it triggers on trigger #1 (but I can’t get the card to show up on my PC)

I put a second 2GB Fat 16 formated card in and it only plays with Nav switch, if I trigger it the playback just stops.

I have named the file a couple ways (Track001, T001.mp3) but no change.

Is there a way to reset the board or is that even a thing with these?

Thanks for the help

Not showing up on your pc is an indication something is wrong with your card. You might try using the SD Assocition Card Formatter utility and see if that gets your cards working everywhere again. That utility works when format from a command prompt won’t and I’ve saved a bunch of cards this way before.

If that doesn’t work it might be time to replace the sd cards.

Thanks I will try that, not really worried about the card, more of why the trigger will not work with the other card.

So the original SDcard, #1 card will trigger as well as work on the Nav toggle.

I have new 2gig formated card #2 and they will not trigger but will play via Nav toggle.

If I have the sound playing on SD card #2 and touch the trigger it just stops.

Noboy has been able to anwser if there is a way to reset the board?

Or if it was possilbe to program the board to this specific #1 SDcard?

I don’t believe I’m understanding the question (it sounds like the best approach might be to purchase more of the SD card that works and only use those?)

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