MPL115A and Eagle autorouter

Hi, I’m trying to use the MPL115A from the sparkfun library. But, Eagle refuses to autoroute it, manually route it, and generally believes the footprint is in some way utterly evil.

Usually I’ve fixed this sort of thing by adjusting the routing grid in the autorouter, but it’s not working this time (I tried adjusting the routing grid all the way down to 1). Anyone have an idea of what magic setting needs to be changed in Eagle to permit it to autoroute the part?

It’s on the correct side of the board, all of the airwires are there, the spacing appears to be fine (same pitch as other SMD components on the board). It just refuses to route the part.

EDIT: Answering my own question… I moved the part into my own library and deleted the dimension outline that was around it. Now it routes properly.