Last week we released a new app based on MQTT, MQTT Buddy:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … mqtt_buddy
We decided to build a really good app and support IoT not only with words. The app is free with minimally limited functionality. It’s been done just to support MQTT Buddy and not to earn.
There is NO ads in the app. At all. There is no place for ads in such an app. App size is only 1.7 Mb as we use crossplatform framework. Now we are working hard on iOS build.
Main features:
long tap on broker/button/scenario opens its settings.
realtime SHOWROOM. We integrated the showroom baed on esp8266 in order you can test everything by yourselves
SSL support is enabled
Unique feature is Automated scenarios. You choose actions and time when they should be fulfilled. One important note about scenarios. All technical details are placed in the hidden layer and you should not worry about how it works. To make your scenarios run, your own MQTT home’s broker should be accessible from outside of your firewall. It means that your broker should be available from the internet. You just say to our service what you want and relax!
We would like to hear your feedback on MQTT Buddy. What should be added or improved?
Special thanks for reviews and rates on Google Play!
Thanks! Have a good day!