SparkFun LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield (CEL-14997) MQTT not stable


I’ve been using the Sparkfun NBIOT Shield for the past 2 weeks trying to use it with an mqtt broker. I’m able to connect to the broker and to publish messages. My problem is that it can run for some hours and then the shield is not able to send messages or to connect to the broker again. I send messages every 15min so I power down the shield to save energy. Every 15min I try to log in to the broker and send a message.

What i’ve seen is that sometime the shield is not able to reconnect anymore (an can not recover). For now here is my routine:

Every 15min, I power on the shield → Reset the shield → Configure the shield → Connect to the broker → Publish to the broker → Power off the shield.

After letting it run for some time (several hour) the shield get stuck and does not respond to any command even power off (GPIO held low for 12s).

Do you know about any known issue with mqqt and the sara R410 ? Do you have any remarks about my way off handling the shield ? Any informations could be useful.

Best Regards,


What data provider are you using? Hologram?

No it’s a Belgian provider (Orange)

hey I am trying to get this exact board to connect to MQTT. could you maybe help me or share your code? the examples are pretty bare bones and I’m not sure how to go about setting it up do this…

I’ve been using the Sparkfun NBIOT Shield for the past 2 weeks trying to use it with an mqtt broker. I’m able to connect to the broker and to publish messages.

What code are you running? Is it one of our examples?

the examples are pretty bare bones and I’m not sure how to go about setting it up do this…

What examples are you using?

To make it work i directly send AT command via the sofware serial to configure the ublox chip.

viewtopic.php?f=115&t=54065&p=219897#p219897 Unfortunately, we can not support MQTT on the Ublox module at this time.

Ok, for your information it is possible to use mqtt. I’ve started from the serial passthrough example. From there and with the SARA-R4 AT command datasheet i’ve been able to connect to an mqqt broker and to publish. I’m directly sending AT command to the UBLOX based on serial passtrhough example. There is an issue with the stability of the board. Sometime the Ublox get stuck. I’v been able to manage that by cutting power to the board with a load switch. Restarted from cold every time seems to do the jobs.

Best regards,


Best regards