Nano COM Port Not Found


I just got my Artemis Nano but I cannot see the board show up on any serial port once plugged in. However, the LEDs are blinking from the factory default program. I am using a mac (Macbook Pro Touch ID, macOS Mojave) and in Arduino → Tools → Port, no available port shows.

I have tried holding down reset before plugging in but no luck. Serial ports don’t show up even in CoolTerm or when I list available serial ports in terminal via: ls /dev/cu.*. And because no ports are showing, I cannot upgrade the bootloader either. Please advice. Thanks.


I wonder if it has something to do with your settings? The CH340 chip package that is on the BlackBoard Artemis Nano is smaller but I feel like the CH340 drivers should still work. Luckily I ported and updated the instructions here => … rs#mac-osx. Try checking those instructions out.

Also, make sure to check your USB cable. Some cables are charging cables only or they may not be up to spec to send data.

Thanks for posting about your trouble here – bboyho’s suggestions are great steps that you can try right now (you can check your USB cable using another USB-C device if you have one). When a board does not even enumerate as a serial port it makes me suspect one of these things:

USB cable fault

USB-serial IC failure

Faulty wiring on the board


The drivers for the CH340-C (widely used at SparkFun) also support the CH340-E (on the Nano). Still it would be good to follow the instructions that bboyho wrote.

Your board is clearly being powered but perhaps your USB cable is not connecting the data lines.

Sorry for the delay response…I was away traveling.

I tried bboyho’s suggestion and reinstalled the CH340 but still couldn’t get the Nano’s port to show. I use a number of different boards (teensy, arduino due, adafruit feather, etc) and they all work fine with the serial ports. I’ve also tried different USB-C cables.

So I concur it’s probably the onboard USB-serial IC failure or Faulty wiring on the board. I just ordered another Artemis board (Redboard Artemis) to see if it’s just this board. But let me know if you have any other ideas I can try in the mean time. I have a USB-C FTDI cable so I can probably hook that up directly to the board if possible.

It might be a bad CH340 chip if the cables work with other boards and you do have the drivers installed.

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Done! Thanks.

No problem, we will get this straightened out ASAP!