Need help scoping an LED project!

I am working on a multimedia project that quite frankly is probably over my head but nothing ventured… So imagine this you are sitting in a room, over head you hear and see thunder and lightning. From the four corners of the room you hear the wind blow and the rain fall. The lights in the room gently shift colors and the table before you starts to glow eliminating three dimensional map.

In short I am modifying a room for my son to run “Pen & Paper” RPG’s in. We are adding “cloud” ceiling panels (LED’s covered by fiber for visual effects), transducers attached to the panels for sound effects, edge lighting a gaming table and bookshelves and surround speakers set into the walls for music.

I have worked with LED’s before but very simple projects, nothing like this and could really use the some help in figuring out how to do this. I know how to make the cloud ceiling not what type of LED’s would be best used. I know how to set up the speakers but not what type of controller to use to synchronize them with the lights. Or what voltage the lights should be, 5 or12 volt.

We have four zones…

  1. Zone 1 * Ceiling - 6 strips (5 meters each) of multi colored individually addressable LEDs

  2. Zone 2 * Table - 4 strips (5 meters each) of multi colored individually addressable LEDs

  3. Zone 2 * Table - 4 strips (5 meters each) White LEDs

  4. Zone 3 * Book Shelves - 4 strings (5 meters each) of multi colored individually addressable LEDs

The lights will have to be

  1. synchronized to music/sound effects played through a computer, iPad or other sound source

  2. Centrally controlled through the use of an tablet (iPad) and/or a computer

  3. Voice activated through app or Alexa Voice Assistant

  4. Programable for custom scenes

    • All Zones listed above need to be controlled separately or together. For example lights on the table red and book shelves blue while the ceiling lights flash to the sounds of a thunder storm
  5. Lights should be individually addressable RGB’s with the table being RGB+W and as bright as possible

  6. Lights must be Dimmable and programable

Please note that all lights should need to be synced directly to a music source/player and NOT use a microphone. The microphone solution often pics up ambient sounds and in this case we want to be able to have the ceiling sync to sounds of a thunder storm while the table may sycn to music played from another source.

Not sure how possible any of this, is but if it is I would like to know what products I should purchase…

  1. How do I synchronize everything. What type of controller do I use.

  2. What are the best type of LEDs light strips to use

  3. What type of controller(s) should I get

  4. What power supplies will be needed and what voltage should be used

  5. Any other products that might be needed or might help get this done

As for my level of experience, I have a background in computers and SQL scripting. I have done small projects with off the shelf LED strips, cutting and splicing and rewiring are not an issue. I also have a friend who is a journeyman electrician who is also helping.

Thank you for any information you can supply me with if there other resources you could point me to.


  1. How do I synchronize everything. What type of controller do I use.

This guy … 1622745974 with this microcontroller is a good fit

  1. What are the best type of LEDs light strips to use

That part kind of depends on the room/enviro, order a few different kinds and test to see

  1. What type of controller(s) should I get

Above (arduino compatible, bluetooth, wifi…should have all the stuff you need)

  1. What power supplies will be needed and what voltage should be used along with something like this (our version is discontinued)

  1. Any other products that might be needed or might help get this done … 1622745974

Thank you very, very much for this info!!!