need help with uno based small rover

I got a uno and a few motors to build a small rover with my 8 yo son.

I have a dual motor chasis, and a nck electronics motor shield.

I have tried a few of the basic tutorials on the basics, but then i lost intrest. To be honest im that guy that learns backwards. For example , i want to learn to fly rc planes and i get a jet.

In the end i took all the experience i gained and was successful. More so than most.

That sums up my learning curve with everything.

I really want to get this rover working to see if this is really for me, i have the intrest but i need to see the end result in the project i set to do. If not its hard to find motivation, although i know i need to learn the basics.

The coding is really all i need to get going, the rover is operational and the code i spliced together works somewhat. But i will tell you its wrong. I need to start from scratch with guidance, and focus on the bare minimum coding needed , then go back and expand on that.

So i hope i can find some help here, even though i have issues. I would like my son to know how to program. Thats my ultimate goal.

How can anybody help you if you don’t state what is wrong? First try Google, chances are someone has built a “rover” and has posted it. There are literally hundreds of tutorials online.