Neopixel RGBW Ring

I’m trying to figure out how to use neopixels, everything I’ve seen so far just says use libraries, well first off, I don’t know how to use libraries and secondly, I’m trying to do a specific effect with the 16 LED Neopixel ring. I’m trying to create a custom third brake light, which it’s more a project to learn how to use microprocessors and how to code them. I’m going to have the 16 LED RGBW ring in the center with a single COB LED in the middle of that with two 8 LED regular RGB neopixel strips. I’ve figured out how to code the two strips but can’t figure out how to do the ring. I want three points that spin with the LEDs trailing behind. I cannot figure that part out, I saw a guide on how to do it like a month ago but now i cannot find it and its incredibly frustrating.

So, you need to approach this with the attitude of “it’s more a project to learn how to use microprocessors and how to code them”

  1. Learn how to use libraries; google/youtube instructionals regarding FastLED and/or Arduino should get you going in under an hour

  2. Find a library that uses your desired effect for the ring, and upload the code to your project

  3. Combine with the code for the sticks

Here’s our guide for the LuMini ring, which is very similar … okup-guide

You’re at the part where frustration will only be overcome by trying, trying, and some more trying…until you’ve ‘learned the ropes’ and it clicks :slight_smile: