[newbie] Doubt on SparkFun PCBs

Hi guys, I’m having some doubts about SparkFun PCBs:

taking a look to Ublox NEO-M8P and ZED-F9P breakout boards I can see thin tracks for USB tracks and antenna.

My Eagle is too old version, so I can’t open files, while if I use Eagle ver. 6.6 I can only see TOP and BOTTOM layers.

On board files it’s reported PCB is 0.8mm, so USB and RF tracks are narrower than calculated values.

Is this due to 4 layer PCB (so I suppose I can’t see inner layers), or just due bus/track are so short?


Hello, and thanks for using the SparkFun Forums!

Both boards are 2 layer boards and should show up in earlier versions of Eagle. I’ve attached screen shots below that show how they look for us. The ground plane isn’t turned on in these to make it easier to see the traces. Also, the 0.08mm you see in the board files is for the thickness of the board.

Hope this helps!