No response error even when baud rate is changed to 115200

Edited by moderator to add code tags

Compiling gcc ../src/tf_accelerometer/lis2dh12_reg.c
 Linking gcc bin/example1_edge_test.axf
 Copying gcc bin/example1_edge_test.bin...
../../../../../tools/apollo3_scripts/ --bin bin/example1_edge_test.bin --load-address 0xC000 --magic-num 0xCB -o bin/main_nonsecure_ota --version 0x0
Header Size =  0x80
original app_size  0x460c ( 17932 )
load_address  0xc000 ( 49152 )
app_size  0x460c ( 17932 )
w0 = 0xcb00468c
Security Value  0x10
w2 =  0x10008080
addrWord =  0xc000
versionKeyWord =  0x0
child0/feature =  0xffffffff
child1 =  0xffffffff
crc =   0x37c5774
Writing to file  bin/main_nonsecure_ota.bin
../../../../../tools/apollo3_scripts/ --load-address 0x20000 --bin bin/main_nonsecure_ota.bin -i 6 -o bin/main_nonsecure_wire --options 0x1
Header Size =  0x60
app_size  0x468c ( 18060 )
Writing to file  bin/main_nonsecure_wire.bin
Image from  0x0  to  0x468c  will be loaded at 0x20000
../../../bsp/tools/ -b 115200 COM13 -r 1 -f bin/main_nonsecure_wire.bin -i 6
Connecting with Corvette over serial port COM13...
Sending Hello.
No response for command 0x00000000
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\AmbiqSuite-Rel2.0.0\boards\SparkFun_edge_BSP-master\bsp\tools\", line 341, in <module>
  File "C:\AmbiqSuite-Rel2.0.0\boards\SparkFun_edge_BSP-master\bsp\tools\", line 42, in main
  File "C:\AmbiqSuite-Rel2.0.0\boards\SparkFun_edge_BSP-master\bsp\tools\", line 61, in connect_device
    response = send_command(hello, 88, ser)
  File "C:\AmbiqSuite-Rel2.0.0\boards\SparkFun_edge_BSP-master\bsp\tools\", line 238, in send_command
    raise NoResponseError
make: *** [Makefile:197: bootload] Error 1

It would be helpful to get a more information about your setup.

It seems to me like you are trying to use the AmbiqSuite SDK to compile and upload “example1_edge_test” to an Edge board.

You mention that you’ve changed the baud rate to 115200 for upload – does this mean you’ve tried at 921600? Know that there are two variations of the Edge board. Those obtained from the TensorFlow conference use 115200 baud and those ordered from SparkFun use 921600. You must use the appropriate baud rate for the board that you have. Additionally there is a known problem with USB-serial drivers on some operating systems (Linux primarily) that can cause bootloading to fail at 921600. See the other forum posts about this topic:


i got the one from sparkfun so i have restored the baud rade to 921600 but still it show me this error:

$ make bootload

…/…/…/…/…/tools/apollo3_scripts/ --bin bin/example1_edge_test.bin --load-address 0xC000 --magic-num 0xCB -o bin/main_nonsecure_ota --version 0x0

Header Size = 0x80

original app_size 0x460c ( 17932 )

load_address 0xc000 ( 49152 )

app_size 0x460c ( 17932 )

w0 = 0xcb00468c

Security Value 0x10

w2 = 0x10008080

addrWord = 0xc000

versionKeyWord = 0x0

child0/feature = 0xffffffff

child1 = 0xffffffff

crc = 0x634666f6

Writing to file bin/main_nonsecure_ota.bin

…/…/…/…/…/tools/apollo3_scripts/ --load-address 0x20000 --bin bin/main_nonsecure_ota.bin -i 6 -o bin/main_nonsecure_wire --options 0x1

Header Size = 0x60

app_size 0x468c ( 18060 )

Writing to file bin/main_nonsecure_wire.bin

Image from 0x0 to 0x468c will be loaded at 0x20000

…/…/…/bsp/tools/ -b 921600 COM12 -r 1 -f bin/main_nonsecure_wire.bin -i 6

Connecting with Corvette over serial port COM12…

Sending Hello.

No response for command 0x00000000

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “C:\AmbiqSuite-Rel2.0.0\boards\SparkFun_Edge_BSP-master\bsp\tools\”, line 341, in


File “C:\AmbiqSuite-Rel2.0.0\boards\SparkFun_Edge_BSP-master\bsp\tools\”, line 42, in main


File “C:\AmbiqSuite-Rel2.0.0\boards\SparkFun_Edge_BSP-master\bsp\tools\”, line 61, in connect_device

response = send_command(hello, 88, ser)

File “C:\AmbiqSuite-Rel2.0.0\boards\SparkFun_Edge_BSP-master\bsp\tools\”, line 238, in send_command

raise NoResponseError


make: *** [Makefile:197: bootload] Error 1

PS I’m using window 8.1 with git bash installed

and also i have closed my serial terminal on arduino when uploading the code .

Could it be due to the fact that arduino doesn’t have a option for 921600 baud rate ,then what should i do if that’s the case.

Solved i connected the serial basic to edge board in wrong orientation that’s the reason for error.

Thanks for letting us know – this one was stumping me and I couldn’t reproduce. Glad that it is working now!