I just received the Nomad 3 a week ago and attempted to run it, facing the Milling test. I noticed that the spindle wasn’t spinning, although the XYZ axes were all moving fine. I powered everything off and on again, then initialized the Nomad and went straight to Jog >> Spindle On, but the spindle still doesn’t move. The brushless motor isn’t spinning, although it turns freely by hand. I checked the coupling, and both screws are tight. The motor shaft doesn’t move when I click on Spindle On.
You can try double checking the steps here https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/3/5/c/6/0/Nomad3_Getting_Started_Guide_12_22_2020_v1_smaller.pdf (also a checklist on pg 40)
Carbide also has more docs, support, and a forum here Nomad 3 Resources