NRF24L0 getting it to work with ProMini

Trying to use nRF24L01 transceiver with a Pro mini Arduino and I get no indication it is even working. I have used the same pro Mini boards before for non wireless projects so I know they are good. The pro Mini runs on 5V so I added a 5v to 3.3v regulator with common grounds to power the nRF board. Added 10uF electrolytic between VCC and GND on the nRF24 board. Connections between the two are as follows
CSN > D8
CE > D9
MOSI > D11
MISO > D12
SCK > D13

Are there any status LEDs on the NRF24 board indicate it is working? I see none. Any suggested simple code I can run to verify function ?
Is the NRF24 board even compatible with ProMinis?

update - tried connecting one nRF board to my Sparkfun redboard. Same I/O connections as prior post. Using radio.printDetails() command in setup everything is showing zeros. so looks like this is not working either.

There’s a guide with code below, does that help at all?