I am new to Arduino, and I am building an RC plane. I got two new nRF24L01 transceivers from Amazon:
(https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01IK … UTF8&psc=1)
but I cannot get them to work. I connected both transceivers to Arduino Unos, with the following connections:
GND to Ground, V+ to 3.3V, CE to Digital 7, CSN to Digital 8, SCK to Digital 13, MOSI to Digital 11, and MISO to Digital 12.
I downloaded the RF24-master library and used the “Getting Started Sketch.” I downloaded the code to both Arduinos. In other tutorials, this printed the line “*** PRESS ‘T’ to begin transmitting to the other node,” and then printed lots of information. However, when I ran the program it stopped at the press ‘T’ command, even though I did press ‘T’ (am I pressing T wrong?). It was my understanding that even if the transceiver was not functioning properly, it would still print more information. I can’t think of anything I did wrong, but like I said I’m new to Arduino, so please don’t discount a possible solution if it seems too obvious. I’d appreciate any ideas!