are these in backorder because they have an issue, or the board work perfectly fine ?
I have ordered the above boards because I would like to avoid to use other NRF24L01+ wireless transceiver Modules that require soldering on them a capacitor and mounting on them a voltage regulator as explained here:
My question is if these 5 sparkfun boards I bought would require me to solder any capacitor or mount any voltage regulator or else, or if these boards would just work on a nano or on an uno without need of any other part
That largely depends on how much current is being pulled by the other modules in each node. If you start to get brown-out behavior, trouble reading/writing transmissions, or power LED flickering then it would be safe to assume that too much power is being drawn that the UNO can’t supply. Other than that, the voltages should all work out.
Hello. I have a question about radio transmission delay.
Please see below schematic and attached codes for ewach of hte 5 nodes. I am experiencing about 1 sec of delay, from the moment I move the sensors, to the moment the signal arrives to the hand module and reach the controller via potentiometer.
Is there any setting that would help decreasing the delay or do you see anythning in the codes for the radio part, that would create the delay?