I am doing an evaluation of the nrf24L01+ modules (product 705) using an Arduino Uno as the host. I have downloaded and flashed the example in the Hookup Guide, and followed the wiring, also in the guide.
I changed the two pins as described and the code appears to run, I see the prompts described. If I place the radio into transmit mode, I see a series of outputs in the Monitor saying the transmission failed. The transmission does not succeed at all.
I have had a 'scope on the signals and observed that depending upon where the 'scope was connected, the transmission worked.
I have also tried using different SPI speeds without success.
The radio is connected to the Uno using Dupont wires, they are about 3-4" long.
The radio is powered from the Uno 5V, the Uno is powered from USB and I have measured the 5V at the input to the nRF24 board, it is correct.
So, has anyone had success using this board with an Arduino Uno?