Old BNC GPS antenna with ZOE-M8Q

I just received my ZOE-M8Q and don’t have a U.FL compatible antenna yet. I do have a GPS antenna I used with my Garmin GPS III+, which is a BNC connector. Will this be a suitable connector between that old GPS antenna (a Gilson) and my ZOE-M8Q?


Or should I get one of these newer antennas that appear to support more GNSS systems than just GPS, like this?


Will one provide any more accurate or solid coverage than the other?


The amazon adapter looks like it would work but it’s tough to recommend something without seeing the original Garmin antenna.

The GNSS adhesive mount antenna is good as long as you’re experienced with GNSS and will be using your device outdoors with a clear view of the sky. If you are just starting out or learning, https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14986 is a much better idea.

Alright, I think I’ll use that Amazon connector. This project will ultimately live in my truck which has a steel roof and is the reason I originally bought that external antenna.

Just posting a followup that the Amazon connector does indeed work with this board. Got a really accurate position connected to my Gilson external antenna. The library is reporting that I can see 15 satellites most of the time.