NEO-M9N, U.FL - No antenna

I’m sorry as I’m new to all of this - I recently bought a NEO-M9N, U.FL along with SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic. However, it doesn’t seem to be working properly when running Sparkfun’s examples. Does the NEO-M9N, U.FL need an antenna to function properly and get a GPS connection?

Did you miss this announcement on the NEO-M9N, U.FL product page?


Get yourself one of these and one of these, connect them together and you will be all set.

The spec is a bit ambiguous on that one, is it one you’ve used? Mentions 1609 MHz and 5 MHz bandwidth deeper in, would probably need closer to 40-50 MHz to cover bands.
The M9N supports 4 constellations across 3 frequencies, would suggest digging for a GPS + GLONASS + BEIDOU compatible antenna.
GALILEO + SBAS + QZSS are available in the GPS 1575.42 MHz band.

I’ve used the inexpensive antenna sparkfun carries with good results but it looks like it’s out of stock.

For the price, i figured the Amazon antenna would at least get OP up and running but a better antenna would probably yield better results.

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Wouldn’t disagree with you there, and $15 should be able to get something reasonable decent in the L1 realm, covering GPS+GLO+BDS
This listings on amazon, et al, tend to be very awkward in presentation of detail, frequently ambiguous, and not helped by “GPS” embedded in the top surface, and 1575.42 MHz on the bottom.