Open Log adding a time stamp

I am looking to connect ID-20La RFID reader to Openlog and record RFID tags.

Can an RTC board be incorporated to provide the date stamp data?

Sorry for simple question, just getting started with hobby electronics.


Just connecting a RTC won’t work.

You’d need to connect the ID-20LA and a RTC to a microcontroller like an Arduino and then program the Arduino to send time and tag data to the OpenLog to make it work.

Many thanks for quick reply, suspected that was the case, just wanted to ask the question.

Trying to build a very low power consumption device so may try RFID reader and openlog to start.

I made that with an ESP8266-Nodemcu, RTC and openlog. In fact once you connect openlog to ESP8266 you won’t need RTC; you can get the time from an NTP server on internet directly. But if it is time, battery and network sensitive you can also add an RTC. On boot ESP8266 gets the time from NTP server, sets RTC and you can disable WiFi after that. RTC is battery sensitive but not really sure on ESP8266.