Openlog command mode fails when connected to WiFi in Arduino MKR1000


I have an issue using the openlog module and the Wifi shield of Arduino MKR1000 together. I have been strugling with this a long time and I could really use a hand. I’m new to the forum but I’ll try to post as crearly as possible.


I have created a test script (attached), isolating the wifi setup functions and OpenLog setup functions from another larger project. The script first connects to a WiFi net via WAP, and then initialize the OpenLog, writing 3 times the escape character (changed to 36 in config.txt), then it creates a new csv file, appends some data to it, and then exits the command mode. The issue appears when writing the 3 escape characters, it doesn’t change to command mode.


  • Arduino MKR1000 SAMW25 - MR510PB REV R3.

  • WIFI101 firmware WINC1501 Model B 19.5.4

  • WiFi101 library version 0.16.1

  • OpenLog UART DEV-13712

  • OpenLog Firmware v4.0

  • Arduino IDE 1.8.7
  • OpenLog is wired using a custom UART comunication in pins 4 and 5, following this tutorial … ng-a-uart.

    Steps to reproduce

    Just use the script attached. The openlog was configured following this tutorial … -guide/all


    wifi setup function: printIOTStatus()

    openlog setup function: inicializarOpenLog()

  • If wifi setup function is commented out, OpenLog setup function works fine.

  • If OpenLog setup function is commented out, Wifi works fine.

  • If Wifi setup goes first, the issue comes, openLog can’t go to command mode.

  • If openLog setup goes first, wifi presents a weird error, the wifi shield status is not present.
  • Any help will be apreciated. Thanks.

    WiFi_OpenLog_test.rar (6.99 KB)

    Hello, is the problem solved now?