OpenOCD on stm32vldiscovery with eclipse


I have a stm32vldiscovery board which is a STLINK tied to a STM32F100 via SWD.I am trying to use it with eclipse and openOCD-0.7.0. I added openOCD as an external tool in eclipse. I use it with the following arguments :

-f board/stm32vldiscovery.cfg.

I have the following result:

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.7.0-dev-00079-g08ddb19 (2012-11-12-17:14)

Licensed under GNU GPL v2

For bug reports, read

adapter speed: 1000 kHz

Info : clock speed 1000 kHz

Error: open failed

in procedure ‘transport’

in procedure ‘init’

I computer is on windows 7. I tried openOCD with a stm32f4discovery with the following arguments and it worked fine :

-f “board/stm32f4discovery.cfg”

Can anyone help me to find what’s my problem? My board works correctly with Iar embedded workbench.

The correct driver needs installing on windoze - use todo this.

Either install the filter driver for libusb-win32 or use the WinUSB driver.

When using the filter driver you will still be able to use the ST Utility software, this is not the case if you switch to using WinUSB driver for the STLINK/V1 however. This is why it is better to use a STLINK/V2 if possible.

