outdoor project box enclosure issues

I have a question: I have several projects ready to be placed in outdoor locations, and I’m concerned about two issues. The first is adequate means of transporting heat away from enclosed electronics (arduinos and/or teensy), even when the power source is outside. The second is an equally important one: keeping insects out of the project boxes.

Obviously, the second requirement makes the first more difficult.

I’ve thought of creating a couple of openings and covering them with a fine mesh screen with openings small enough to discourage entry by small insects, but not so fine as to interfere with convective airflow needed for cooling.

My question is whether you might have some thoughts about this approach, and if so, what you think would constitute a minimum mesh size for cooling. I’d also be interested in any other approach you have used or would use.


Some old pantyhose streatched would probably work for you. Mosquito netting would work too and can be had for cheap.

I wouldn’t consider anything that doesn’t keep water out as suitable for use outdoors.

Are you sure heat presents an issue, anyway?

Some old pantyhose streatched would probably work for you. Mosquito netting would work too and can be had for cheap.

“Thanks. Will try it. Battery supply will be outside, but inside are a Nano and an XBee 63 mW transmitter, which fact was my motivation re heating. But with decent sized properly located covered holes, convection should do it. Unit will be in a pumphouse, so insects are a bigger problem than rain etc.”