Probably a question for Sparky, but perhaps others have encountered this issue:
I have a small design (1"x2") and want to build many of them. I have had Gold Phoenix panelize my design, putting 20 or so on one panel and V-scoring.
How do I go about getting a solder stencil made? THe gerbers I have only represent one instance of the design repeated multiple times on the panel.
Can Gold Phoenix provide a gerber representing the solder stencil layer for the entire board?
Or am I on my own to create my own by stepping and repeating?
December 13, 2005, 5:00pm
If you had panelized it yourself, you would be able to panelize the solder mask as well.
Wish I could help you but you’ll need to know the interboard spacings that GP used to be able to contstruct the stencil
for future reference, take a look a gerbmerge. a bit tedious to set up up but seems to work pretty well. can’t beat the price.
I was just in the middle of downloading gerbmerge when I got a reply back from GoldPhoenix. They will send back gerbers that match the panelized design. I think I’ll play with gerbmerge anyway…