PCA9615 breakout EN not working?

So, a week of testing with lots of hard resets has possibly shown that maybe the EN pin is either not functioning properly or I am not using it properly…

I need to do a powerup cycle to bring my VL503LX’s online one at a time for addressing purposes.

Placing a volt meter on the Arduino (NodeMCU) pin and the ground bus shows that the voltage changes as expected, but when i repeat the test on the EN pin on the slave side, there is no change - the voltage remains high throughout the whole boot cycle.

Wiring is pretty straight forward, I’m using the breadboard pins on both sides with no jumpers cut – power is trasnferred via the Ethernet cable.

The code is pretty simple, set the pinMode = output and digitalWrite = low … this has been demonstrated to work properly with the volt meter.

Disconnecting the EN wire on the master side and then checking the EN pin voltage on the slave side (from EN on the board to GND on the GND bus) shows that there are still 3volts running to that pin… Am i missing something? Shouldn’t the EN pin be a straight pass through.

I also checked to see if maybe when the EN pin goes HIGH or LOW on the Arduino that maybe it powers off the whole slave board - but power was still flowing out the VIN pin on the slave side.

Where should i start troubleshooting?

Hello, and thanks for posting.

The EN pin only works locally on the PCA9615 to disconnect the device from the bus. Toggling EN on one board won’t toggle EN on the remote board. Section 7.3 of the [datasheet goes into more detail on how the EN pin works if you have more questions. :-)](https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/a/5/1/3/6/PCA9615.pdf)

Ahh. Ok. So that explains why the VL53L0X is remembering the address it was given, but ultimately why I’m not having address conflicts… Maybe. Since I do seem to have issues on initial boot up but that could also be my refactorered code.