PCB dimensions for 3D mounting


I’m beginning to ACTUALLY BUILD projects, and will be mounting my sensors, etc in a 3D printed panel.

I’m sitting here with a pair of calipers trying to measure the exact distance of the PCB holes, protrusion of the sensors (in my case the PIR PCB), and position of the PCB holes for the standoffs. to make the appropriate 3D structure.

Uh, since SF created the PCBs, do they have the ‘blueprints’ of the PCB?


What product are you needing dimensions for? If it’s something we make you could grab the CAD files and open them in Eagle to find the dimensions you’re looking for.

The Eagle CAD files will be under the ‘Documents’ tab on the product page and you can use [Autodesk Eagle to draw dimensions anywhere on the board.](Download EAGLE | Free Download | Autodesk)